
Our team can design, install and maintain beautiful solutions to bring life to your spaces.


Meeting your business needs and environmental targets while helping us deliver our work for communities.

Parklets ensure that more pedestrians and cyclists visit an area(1). They positively impact business through new business licenses, job creation and creating a boost to the local economy(2). Parklets in Hackney(3) and Fulham(4) have been shown to generate 20% to 30% sales growth for nearby businesses following installation.

 Mann Island, L3

Good Business Festival 2022

The Art School Restaurant and Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

The Pen Factory, Hope Street

Liverpool One

1. Parklet Impact Study, San Francisco Great Streets Project, 2011. Available at:
2. Parklet Toolkit, Smart Growth America’s Local Leaders Council. Available at:
3. Calvert Avenue Parklet Shoreditch, Meristem Design. Available at:
4. Hammersmith Grove Parklets, Hammersmith BID, 2020. Available at:



Parklets and green spaces encourage community engagement(5) . They can reduce crime and antisocial behaviour(6) , improve wellbeing and mental health(7, 8) , and can even increase property values(9) .

Mersey Youth Support Trust/The Action
Centre, Kirkdale

Two Penny Lane virtual street

The Hope Street Feast

5. Parklets: Your guide to creating a pop-up park on your street, Living Streets, 2020. Available at:
6. 41The Impact of Green Space on Violent Crime in Urban Environments: An Evidence Synthesis, M. Shepley et al., 2019. Available at:
8. Nature of The City: Green Infrastructure from the Ground Up, T. Armour & A. Tempany, 2020.