
sPark It brings imagination and playfulness back into the urban environment. Celebrating creativity, diversity, and green design, we are starting a conversation that will transform the city for decades to come. Our parklets and installations give unloved and overlooked spaces a new lease of life, reclaiming the streets for people.


In 2018 Liverpool was identified as exceeding air pollution limits set by the World Health Organisation. More than 1000 deaths a year are directly linked to air pollution in the Liverpool City Region(10).
Despite the broad and spacious streets of our historic city, Merseyside has the highest rate of cyclists and pedestrians killed or seriously injured on the roads of any metropolitan borough in Great Britain(11).

Cities are warming 29% faster than rural areas(12).

Urban greening provides significant benefits to local communities(13) including improved air quality, reduced noise and enhanced biodiversity (Maes et al., 2019), moderating temperatures (Romanello et al., 2019). Exposure to green space reduces mortality and morbidity from chronic diseases, improves mental health and pregnancy outcomes, and reduces obesity(14). Find out more about benefits that parklets can bring for businesses and communities.

Liverpool City Region Town Centres Commission(15)

“The combined authority should continue to support initiatives such as sParkIt Liverpool –which reimagines parking spaces in Liverpool and seeks to reclaim streets for people (alongside movements such as Transition Towns and Incredible Edible) in order to encourage wider community participation in planning the future of town centres and trialling new practices.” (Page 14)

“In some town centres, communities are already exploring what can be done locally to tackle climate change. The Transition Town movement and Incredible Edible network are both very active across the city region. Partnerships for change in town centres should consider the role of these organisations and include decarbonisation and sustainability among their social value aims.” (Page 30)

10. Kings College Londonon behalf of The British Lung Foundation [availableonline at:https://www.blf.org.uk/policy/health-economic-impacts-toxic-air-in-liverpool-city-region]
11. Department for Transport road casualty data astabulated by Walk & Cycle Merseyside [availableonline at:https://www.wacm.org.uk/7.html]
12. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-022-00539-x
13. https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/healthy-environment-healthy-lives
14. https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/healthy-environment-healthy-lives
15. Anchor, belong, connect: The future of town centres Liverpool City Region Town Centres Commission, Institute for Public Policy Research North, February 2021